孩子們的收穫What Children will Gain from our Activities
- 接受國際先進的教育模式,學習不同主題的國際課程。
Adapting to international education and learning from differentiated courses. (ex. Leadership Course, Football Training Course, Technology Learning Course, Environmental Awareness Course and Art Course.) - <
- 與海外不同學校、藝術團體交流、獲取學習經驗。
Communicating with overseas colleges and teams to gain learning experience. - >
- 親臨不同國家的學校課堂,感受國外多樣的課堂教學方式。
Participating lessons from school of several countries which experiences more educating methods. - <
- 參訪國外高校、業與精英留學生、教授進行交流座談,獲得寶貴學習經驗。
Visiting foreign high schools to communicate with talents and joining talks given by professors. - >
- 獲得海外學習專業資質證書,為今後留學海外最有利的背景提升。
Receiving Overseas Scholar Certificate that advances further opportunities to study abroad in the future. - <
- 參與不同形式工作坊活動(如音樂、戲劇、舞蹈等),啓發對藝術及文化知識學習的興趣。
Joining differentiated workshops (ex. music, drama, dance, etc) which cultivates interests in arts and cultural learning. - >
- 開拓國際視野,接受國際禮儀,開創創新思維模式。
Cultivating global vision by learning foreign cultures so to inspire creativity. - <