2015-2016 新苗國際教育集團年度大事記2015 -2016 New Seedling International Education Group annual eventX
1 、藝術里程碑活動
新苗國際教育集團在深港兩地舉行了 “中國香港金紫荊大聯歡十周年慶典啟動會暨 2015 全國少兒藝術教育交流聯誼會” 活動。 活動中邀請了來自全國及港澳臺地區上百名知名藝術教育前輩及藝術團團長。本次活動是中國藝術屆的一次交流盛會,也是新苗國際教育集團十年藝術成果里程碑活動。
2 、成立海外移民房地產公司
新苗教育集團發展為多元教育產業鏈, 正式在香港成立了藍鳳海外移民留學房地產有限公司。 提供給中國家庭提供個性化海外留學防範,實施一站式管理。
New Seedling Education Group developed into a diversified education industry chain, officially established in Hong Kong Blue Phoenix Overseas Immigration to study real estate Limited. To provide Chinese families with personalized overseas study prevention, the implementation of one-stop management.
3 、與切爾西基金會戰略合作,開創國際體育合作新紀元
New Seedling International Education Group and the Chelsea Foundation on the development of Chinese campus football, to carry out long-term strategic cooperation plan. Chelsea Foundation will work together with the New Seedling Group for the development of Chinese football to provide football coach training, player training, went to Chelsea professional football school football training, Chinese and Western Youth Soccer Tournament and many other football activities.
4 、啟動資本運作
新苗國際教育集團啟動新三板上市, 引進證劵公司、會計師事務所、律師事務所精英團隊給新苗集團進行上市輔導,擬定 2018 年將作為中國素質教育第一股進軍資本市場。
New Seedling International Education Group launched a new three-board listing, the introduction of securities companies, accounting firms, law firms elite team to the New Seedling Group listing counseling, 2018 will be developed as the first quality education in China into the capital market.
5 、“暢想國際* * 環球移動課堂* * 增益課程”專家組成立
“暢想國際”為環球移動課堂增益課程的集群課程品牌。 新苗國際教育集團集合中國深圳、北京、上海、武漢、香港及海外資深國際教育專家,正式成立了“環球移動課堂增益課程”專家組, 對集團所有增益課程系列,進行專業課程指導。
"Imagine International" for the global mobile classroom gain course cluster brand. New Seedling International Education Group has set up the expert group of "Global Mobile Classroom Gain Course", which is a senior international education expert from Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Hong Kong and overseas, to guide the courses of all gain courses.
6 、智慧國際學校管理公司成立
New Seedling International Education Group to continue the in-depth development, the introduction of Taiwan's senior education team of experts, was formally established in Shanghai, Shanghai International School of Intelligent Management Company. To build China's wisdom of international schools, to provide international school management methods and implementation strategies.
7 、與“澳洲拓展地平線”品牌活動官方正式簽署戰略合作計畫
新苗國際教育集團海外教育資源平臺不斷擴張,與澳大利亞新南威爾斯教育部青少年國際第一品牌活動“澳洲拓展地平線”官方正式簽署戰略合作計畫。新苗教育集團作為“澳洲拓展地平線”作為唯一海外主辦方, 每 2 年/屆與澳大利亞新南威爾士教育部聯合在悉尼歌劇院舉辦 “澳洲拓展地平線” 活動。
New Seedling International Education Group overseas education resources platform continues to expand, and the Australian New South Wales Ministry of Education youth international brand activities "Australian expansion horizon" officially signed a strategic cooperation plan. As the sole overseas sponsor, Sinomoyu Education Group, as the sole overseas sponsor, holds the "Australia Expanding Horizon" at the Sydney Opera House every two years with the Ministry of Education of New South Wales, Australia.
8、 與英國教育機構簽署戰略合作,引進英國戲劇課程
新苗國際教育集團與英國教育機構就英國增益課程開展深入教育合作, 引進英國知名的英語戲劇課程,豐富新苗國際教育集團增益課程體系。
New Seedling International Education Group and the British educational institutions on the British gain courses to carry out in-depth educational cooperation, the introduction of the British well-known English drama courses.Enrich the New Seedling International Education Group Gain Course System.
9 、國際校長論壇舉行
新苗國際教育集團學術品牌活動——國際校長論壇在深圳舉行,來自港、澳、臺、大陸及海外知名中小學校長約近 300 名校長參與了此次高端論壇活動。活動旨在通過國際專家主題分享、走訪香港、國內知名學校參訪交流座談,讓各位校長開放式、自由式、互動式深入進行了教育觀念的分享與碰撞。活動得到了中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區辦公室教育科技部、中港校長專業發展促進會、國際不同辦學團體得高度支持及參與,在圓滿之聲中落下帷幕。
About 300 principals from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, mainland China and overseas were invited to participate in this high-end forum, which was held in Shenzhen. The aim of the activity is to share the experiences of international experts, to visit famous universities in Hong Kong, and to exchange ideas and ideas with the school principals open, free and interactive. The activities were supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Office and the China-Hong Kong Headteacher Professional Development Association. The various international sponsoring bodies were highly supportive and involved, and the curtain was brought to a close.
10 、開創全新理念高端微留學課程
New Seedling International Education Group Hawaii government internship program, was the Hawaii State Government, Honolulu city government official recognition, New Seedling International Education Group received the full amount of places each year to organize outstanding Chinese students go to the Hawaii state government for high-end internship. And the Hawaii State Government will issue students the official internship certificate, marking the new international education group to create a new concept of micro-study courses.